Posts Tagged ‘Craig Sparkes’

My Bugging Days are Over, For Now

It has been a while since I have written a personal log in this blog, and today I have chosen to formally let you know, that I have now officially finished with my kite buggying. I have also stopped completely building buggies. Let me explain the reasons behind these decisions, Firstly building buggies, as you […]

Kite Buggying with Craig Sparkes and the XF Sportbrake

  Well its nice for once that a big brand has got behind buggying! Heres a video I shot for Jaguar cars to promote kite buggying and attempt to jump their car! The wind was pretty sketchy BUT I did manage to jump it without a ramp (47 Seconds)! Enjoy Craig Source Facebook Well done […]

Video of The Week

Spotted this in the news a few weeks back while I was at a meet, and forgot to post it on my return, great clip of Craig Sparkes promoting the sport on the BBC local news It’s fast and furious and fun – freestyle kite buggying can take your breath away – and the European […]