Kite Buggy Development » 29-Buggy-Developement

Maybe we should not so much seek top speeds (given the preservation of sites anyway I am not in favor of top speeds on our beaches), but we need to seek more relaxed and miles that you have fun on one day can make. There is certainly a totally different design from (just think of suspension) than if we go purely for speed.

Suspension doesn’t makes the buggy any quicker, but much more comfortable. Developments in professional buggy manufacturers are at a very low ebb. In itself not unreasonable, for it is only a marginal market. We need our designers and builders of hobby buggies so cherish, because where would we be without professionals like Ruud van Engelen, Jeroen Potters, Harry and Marco Taskin Buter? They have in recent years put the best buggy in the world put on our beaches.

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